Ben & Jani, Physick Key Points - How much health can benefit you and your business. You cannot change your life unless you change something you do daily. Being product of the product.
John C. Maxwell key points - The best message is the message you take on paper while the big message is one that you take on your heart. Make your first impression the true expression of who you are. If you want friends, you close the gap, if you want…
Pradeep & Alisha, Shrestha Key Points - Remember you have only one coach but your coach has multiple partners. You want the business more than your coach. Communication is not about how good of speaker you are, but if the other person is getting what you are trying to convey.…
Mark & Sandrine, Ilitch Key Points - Look at your purpose with a different lens. Our plan B is not an option now it is a necessity. Sometimes our biggest break throughs come from strangers. Win your life, before you lose it. If not this, then what?
Hemant & Smitha, Sahela Key Points - Intentions don’t get money, actions get result. We can only educate people when we are skilled. An elephant bite doesn’t kill us but a mosquito bite can. There is a power in minute things.
Charlie & Ann, Durso Key Points - When you have purpose with no ego, then you can serve impact and empower people. It is not your past that defines your future, it is the decisions you make every day in your life. If we can control the cause, we can…