• Attitude Determines Altitude

    Ravi Chawla Key Takeaways:If you develop habits of success, success itself becomes habit. This business is not about thousand people following one guy, it is about one guy leading thousand people. Firstly, take initiative then start taking ownership, everything happens twice, first in somebody’s mind then in reality.
  • Space & Grace to Grow / A Changing of the Heart / Spectator, to Player, to Coach

    Trent & Ashlee, Griffin/Kevin & Andrea, Phillips/Clayton & Elizabeth, Lesoway Key Takeaways:Stop being critical, do not microscope things and find mistakes, give yourself some space and grace to grow. Working to impact and empower people’s life, not for the pins and power. If its what it took to get what…
  • Overcoming Mental & Physical Stagnation

    Kyle & Lauren Wilz Key Points: The way you create a pull by buying a fancy car at Eagle level. The pull at this level is work ethics, how many processes you do. Do not rest on your laurels at this stage. Learn the art of saying no to the…
  • Mentorship – We Rise By Lifting Others

    Craig & Carrie, Clickner Key Takeaways: Ego can some times be good, when utilised the right healthy way, maximise it in growing as a human being. The relationship takes time, the authenticity does not get in overnight. Be a human being in the process, care for your team. Do not…
  • Influences

    Dean & Marcie, Whalen Key Takeaways: New influences to create new results, energy sources and templates to where you want to go. You need a level of humility and hunger, to demonstrate you want to learn and have what they have. Just because of the right decision making and mentorship,…
  • Mind Hacks for Growth

    Dennis & Danielle Nafte