• Mastering Your Craft

    Tony & Francis, Pappalardo Key Points: Three steps to be great at this business – Master your craft, teach your craft, teach others how to teach their craft. Be your best. Teach people not what to think but how to think.
  • Get Mean Lean And Clean

    Paul & Morgan, Kopecky Key Points: Do the thing and you show half the power. Changed life changes lives. The goal is to win small. Live lean – live below your means.
  • Three Steps To Go Diamond

    Zac & Jill, Newell Key Points: Three steps to going Diamond – Have minimum of 6 personal partnerships attending everything regardless if you going or not, go platinum and know how you did it, teach those partnerships to do how you did it. Be good at partnering and creating volume.…
  • Moments that made ME

    Courtney & Paige, Wyatt Key Points: You are in competition with yourself but you cannot be left behind. Your life story and business story will not go how you plan for it to go, but it will go the way it is supposed to go. If you are a business…
  • Traits Of Ace Mindset

    Paul & Morgan, Kopecky Key Points: If you want to get a control over your time, develop leaders. Passion is not about personality it is about purpose. You can’t win, until you keep yourself from losing. The foundation of success in this business is leadership.
  • Go All In For What You Want

    Kyle & Austin, Brown Key Points: It is good to have long-term goals but learn to win every single day. Evolving involves facing challenges being out of the comfort zone and being disciplined all the time. Communicating with mentors in both highs and lows keeps you committed.